Rewards system

How to generate rewards in Oshinstar

One of the Oshinstar's first objective is encouraging contributions to social networks.

Users are tired of being exploited and are ready to be rewarded for their efforts.

Contribution to the success of a social network comes in many ways for example:

  • Developing

  • Content

  • Creation

  • Monitoring

  • Liquidity

Incentive range

Oshinstar has designed a range of incentives to measure and reward different types of contributions and properly align the incentives of both the platform and its community. A way for all platform participants to have an even more attractive experience.

Users will be rewarded with incentives of $ OSH for all their activities and user participation within the platform, with the ability to spend rewards on products, services or monetize their rewards through a redemption model.

Eligibility for rewards

Users wishing to earn rewards must go through a verification process including verify an email address, and phone number.

In addition, the phone numbers will not be stored on Oshinstar's servers, but instead they are converted into a unique hash ID using SHA-256 encryption and 'salt key'.

This ensures that the phone number is never associated with a user's name, creating a mechanism for the system to detect a single engagement and prevent a user from tampering with the rewards system by creating multiple accounts and interacting with themselves.

The goal is to maximize the amount of rewards everyone can receive. Here below we present a list of options that will be destined to grow over time.

Create an account

It is enough to create an account to start generating rewards. Just by completing the profile you will begin to be eligible for different opportunities.

Interact with other profiles

Socialize and / or interact with talents, artists or companies within the platform by doing one of the following actions:

  • I like it Watch videos

  • Listen to music

  • Comment

  • Share with friends

  • Etc...

In this way, the artist or an organization will gain an increase in popularity and therefore a better position in Discover, which translates into greater exposure for their brand while the user who helps the artist to rise in position wins for each share Tokens Oshincoin.

Type of action

15 Second of tracks or video played

0.001 $OSH


0.0001 $OSH


0.0001 $OSH


0.0001 $OSH


0.0001 $OSH

Superstar Rewards

To achieve the badges as Oshinstar plans, Pro Accounts will be able to obtain a reward $OSH token according to the level achieved.

Decentralized data brokerage Oshinstar also allows you to choose in which way users want to share their data, allowing it to do so completely voluntarily, without spying, without secrets, without theft of information, or anything similar to what happens to existing platforms.

The purpose of this functionality is:

  • Allow decentralized data exchange between vendors and applicants.

  • Match user profiles to requestor demand.

  • Secure data transfer.

  • Secure payment.

The data to be exchanged is initially data consisting of the relevant background information and responses provided by the user in the personal information section, such as:

  • Industry of membership.

  • Abilities.

  • Different types of detailed information related to your skills and / or category and much more.


Anyone at Oshinstar, be it an individual, artist, talent, or organization, can post a survey. The platform gives them the ability to specify a target demographic, as well as how many tokens users in the target demographic who submit a valid response will receive. The process is the following:

  • An applicant publishes a survey specifying a target demographic.

  • Our app users will be notified that they fit the target demographic.

  • Users complete the survey, submit it to Oshinstar, and the funds are transferred to their account.

Invite a friend

All users can experience a new way to earn cryptocurrencies without being an artist, talent, content creator, or owning a business. Just invite your friends to join the Oshinstar community.

For each new user invited to Oshinstar, the sender will receive a reward based on the commissions of the invited user when creating content and putting it up for sale, when he is creating subscriptions in Oshinstar or any other opportunity to earn money present or future within of the Oshinstar ecosystem.

This means that, now it is possible to invite all the users you want through a referral link for payments and subscriptions and you will receive the commission for both.

Oshinstar datagroups

It consists of simply staking a certain amount of tokens on the platform to be part of one of these groups and thus earn different benefits such as being chosen for opportunities to generate tokens in new activities that are available.

See Tutorials

Users can also earn tokens by watching Oshinstar videos and tutorials.

Proof of participation to an event or project

You can send proof of participation to an event or to a project, sending the capture of the ticket purchased through Oshinstar or of participation to the project.

Jury Rewards and Conservatorship

Oshinstar leverages a user-based jury system to review appeals regarding content moderation under the guidance of the Santa Clara Principles.

Oshinstar aims to expand the role and capabilities of the jury to help tag content accurately, based on consensus thresholds, category, quality rating, and audience.

Oshinstar members can be rewarded for successful participation in the jury system in order to incentivize the community to help categorize the site and quickly remove spam or content that violates terms of service.

The ultimate goal is for Oshinstar to become an autonomous network and community, so it is essential that this type of activity is properly incentivized.

Ads Rewards

The daily large amounts of money flowing through the online advertising market can be overwhelming, yet promotional consumers are often left out of such a scenario.

We all use these applications daily and they also monitor us, invade our privacy and everything to show us ads while we receive nothing in exchange for all this.

Likely, Oshinstar has created a platform to address and fix this problem. Advertising actions, the purchase and sale of advertising are carried out in a direct and transparent way for both parties involved. The advertiser uses the blockchain platform to send the advertising material.

The advertiser uses the blockchain platform to send the advertising material.

The ad reward system rewards Oshinstar's $ OSH token. These tokens will be stored in the native wallet that Oshinstar offers to all its users who have a verified account.


The possibilities to generate money are almost endless and you will always find new ways to monetize within the Oshinstar platform. Obviously the more time you dedicate, the higher your income will be.

All this can be done from the Oshinstar website or simply from the mobile application which is available to download from Android and IOS.

So if you want to benefit from the true value of your information, which is given away in dozens of other applications day after day, use our free application, which pays you for your time and for the information you want to share.

Last updated

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